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Most properties of a widget are bindable. This means that you can pass a Variable to this property. A Variable can be used to update the value of the property.


You can create a manual Variable that is mutable and updates the value of the property when it is changed:

from sora.widgets.bind import Variable

my_variable = Variable("Hello World")

my_variable.value = "Hello World 2"

Polling Variable

You can also create a Variable that polls a function and updates the value of the property when the function returns a new value:

from sora.widgets.bind import Variable

my_variable = Variable.interval(1, lambda: "Hello World")


The Variable.interval method takes two arguments:

  • interval: float: The interval in seconds between each poll.
  • func: Callable[[], T]: The function that returns the value of the variable.

Listening Variable

You can also create a Variable that runs a subprocess and updates the value of the property when the subprocess returns a new value:

from sora.widgets.bind import Variable

my_variable = Variable.listen(["pactl", "subscribe"])


The Variable.listen method takes one argument:

  • command: list[str] | str: The command to run.