tvhgo can optionally export metrics of the tvheadend server in the Prometheus format.
See Metrics config to enable the metrics enpoint.
Exported metrics
The following metrics will be exported:
Name | Description |
tvhgo_tvheadend_total_connections | Number of connected client devices. |
tvhgo_tvheadend_connection | Connected client device. |
tvhgo_tvheadend_total_subscriptions | Number of active subscriptions. |
tvhgo_tvheadend_subscription_errors | Total errors of an active subscription. |
tvhgo_tvheadend_subscription_in | Incoming bytes of an active subscription. |
tvhgo_tvheadend_subscription_out | Outgoing bytes of an active subscription. |
tvhgo_tvheadend_subscription_total_in | Total incoming bytes of an active subscription. |
tvhgo_tvheadend_subscription_total_out | Total outgoing bytes of an active subscription. |
tvhgo_tvheadend_total_inputs | Number of input devices. |
tvhgo_tvheadend_input_subscriptions | Total subscriptions of an input. |
tvhgo_tvheadend_input_weight | Weight of an input. |
tvhgo_tvheadend_input_signal | Signal of an input. |
tvhgo_tvheadend_input_signal_scale | Signal scale of an input. |
tvhgo_tvheadend_input_ber | Bit error rate of an input. |
tvhgo_tvheadend_input_snr | Signal-to-noise ratio of an input. |
tvhgo_tvheadend_input_snr_scale | Signal-to-noise ratio scale of an input. |
tvhgo_tvheadend_input_unc | Uncorrected blocks of an input. |
tvhgo_tvheadend_input_bps | Bandwidth (bit/second) of an input. |
tvhgo_tvheadend_input_te | Transport errors of an input. |
tvhgo_tvheadend_input_cc | Continuity errors of an input. |
tvhgo_tvheadend_input_ec_bit | Bit error count of an input. |
tvhgo_tvheadend_input_tc_bit | Total bit error count of an input. |
tvhgo_tvheadend_input_ec_block | Block error count of an input. |
tvhgo_tvheadend_input_tc_block | Total block error count of an input. |
Grafana dashboard
A Grafana dashboard is available as JSON.