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tvhgo can optionally export metrics of the tvheadend server in the Prometheus format.

See Metrics config to enable the metrics enpoint.

Exported metrics

The following metrics will be exported:

Name Description
tvhgo_tvheadend_total_connections Number of connected client devices.
tvhgo_tvheadend_connection Connected client device.
tvhgo_tvheadend_total_subscriptions Number of active subscriptions.
tvhgo_tvheadend_subscription_errors Total errors of an active subscription.
tvhgo_tvheadend_subscription_in Incoming bytes of an active subscription.
tvhgo_tvheadend_subscription_out Outgoing bytes of an active subscription.
tvhgo_tvheadend_subscription_total_in Total incoming bytes of an active subscription.
tvhgo_tvheadend_subscription_total_out Total outgoing bytes of an active subscription.
tvhgo_tvheadend_total_inputs Number of input devices.
tvhgo_tvheadend_input_subscriptions Total subscriptions of an input.
tvhgo_tvheadend_input_weight Weight of an input.
tvhgo_tvheadend_input_signal Signal of an input.
tvhgo_tvheadend_input_signal_scale Signal scale of an input.
tvhgo_tvheadend_input_ber Bit error rate of an input.
tvhgo_tvheadend_input_snr Signal-to-noise ratio of an input.
tvhgo_tvheadend_input_snr_scale Signal-to-noise ratio scale of an input.
tvhgo_tvheadend_input_unc Uncorrected blocks of an input.
tvhgo_tvheadend_input_bps Bandwidth (bit/second) of an input.
tvhgo_tvheadend_input_te Transport errors of an input.
tvhgo_tvheadend_input_cc Continuity errors of an input.
tvhgo_tvheadend_input_ec_bit Bit error count of an input.
tvhgo_tvheadend_input_tc_bit Total bit error count of an input.
tvhgo_tvheadend_input_ec_block Block error count of an input.
tvhgo_tvheadend_input_tc_block Total block error count of an input.

Grafana dashboard

A Grafana dashboard is available as JSON.

Grafana dashboard